Paper writing, Danny

Goal: Two hours of paper writing per week.


Most recent data points:

2009 07 06 0.75 "non job wri snz hom (etherpad; email snooze feature)"
2009 09 29 0.75 "job mes yahoo non wri (etherpad)"
2009 09 30 2.25 "job mes non yahoo wri (etherpad), mes job yahoo non wri (etherpad), mes job non wri yahoo"
2010 03 30 0.75 "cht dp yahoo non job wri"
2010 03 31 2.25 "wri prd job hom bed non tex, job mes cal 6 yahoo wri, job mes cal 6 yahoo wri"
2010 05 29 0.75 "mes snz non wri"

Suggestions, corrections, or data (following the format above):